Sunday, July 8, 2007

365 Days Ago

Today is mine and Chad's one year wedding anniversary! I cannot believe it's already been a year since we wed. It has been quite an incredible year. We've been through quite a lot this past year but it has still been wonderful. I'm enjoying married life more and more everyday. I have just now started cooking regularly. Every single night actually. Last Sunday I made a pork tenderloin that baked in the oven for over 5 hours! After that meal Chad said I had officially made it to Betty Crocker status. I think he's enjoying home cooked meals every night. I'm probably spoiling him too much! Haha. It's been great reflecting on the past year but I'm so ready for the many more to come. I can't imagine a more perfect person for me to call my husband.

Chadwick Fields Watson, I adore you with all of my being. Thank you for being my best friend, husband, lover, rock and confidant. I will love you forever and a day.

Our wedding pictures are still online at this link if you want to browse through them:

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