Wednesday, June 27, 2007

It's been a while...

Ok, so I know it's been a while since we've updated our blog. I have had several requests to give an update on us!!! I prompted Chad to write a new blog but I guess it just keeps slipping his mind! Smile. So I figured I would wait no longer and let you fellow readers know what's going on in our lives! We most recently got back from our summer vacation. Chad and I headed down to Panama City Beach to our timeshare to have a few days of fun and relaxation. I quickly learned that our ideas of fun and relaxation are not quite the same, especially when it comes to the beach. I'm a beach bunny. I love to lay out. Chad on the other hand wants to get up and do. I just couldn't bring myself to getting into an ocean I couldn't see through. The water had a lot of algae in it so I got up to my knees and turned back. Frustrating to Chad I'm sure. We did go to Shipwreck Island one day and rode all the water rides. I'll do that any day!!! I had a great time but you'd have to ask Chad how his time was. I think he got a little restless with laying out! Hehe. The things you do for love.

The end of the week we headed up to Memphis for the weekend. I was a bridesmaid in my friend Allison's wedding. It was a busy but GREAT weekend. Allison was absolutely gorgeous. Her wedding and reception was flawless. Chad and I definitely danced the night away at the reception. I am so blessed to be a part of her and Blake's journey. They are such a God fearing couple and I love them both dearly!!!
Here is just one picture I have from right before she walked down the aisle. I'll post more as soon as they become available on the photographer's website.

We spent some good time with my family and that was great. I miss them so much but I really believe it's getting easier. It was definitely bittersweet to drive out of Memphis. I was sad to leave my family and friends that I had such a blast with this past weekend but Chad and I had missed our kitties so much! Honestly, you have no idea. They really are like our children. It was fun to go back home to our little family! (Thanks to Kristen for taking care of our babies! You're the best!) All in all, we had a fabulous vacation. Of course vacations are always too short but you make the most of the time you do have to chill and relax. So a big thank you to my hubby who was a trooper laying out with me for a few days!!! I love you.

The only things really coming up in our life is our one year anniversary! It's July 8th! Fast approaching! I cannot believe it's been almost a year already! It has just flown by. I'm telling you honestly and personally, marriage has just gotten better by the day. I'll try and write more on our anniversary about the past year and what it's been like! So the only thing now is that all of you need to post on here and hound Chad to write a blog!! He needs to let you all know what's been going on too! I love you all and thanks for dropping in on us. Leave us a note, let us know you're visiting and have a great God given week!


beth g sanders said...

Hey! So good to hear from y'all. I was thinking the other day about your anniversary — how scary fast that came up!

Glad you had a good time at the beach — I'm with you, vacation is for chillin'.

The girls are great, we love having Elizabeth home for the summer and they are enjoying their sister time.

Oh, and btw, you are gorgeous in blue. Come to think of it … is there a color you are not gorgeous in? I think not.

Miss you tons but so glad to hear you are doing well. Happy anniversary — early!

Anonymous said...

Friend... I am so happy to see an update.. lots of fun going on with the 'ole Watsons!! Can't wait for some pot roast soon!! Love you friend!! Kristen

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you had a good vacation. God bless!