Monday, June 4, 2007

My 22nd Birthday Weekend

So this past weekend was my 22nd birthday. Yes, I'm a young one still! My parents and brother made it in late Friday night and were able to stay with us until Sunday afternoon. We had a great time. It was nice to be able to relax and spend some quality time together. It's been almost 5 months since all 5 of us had been together. We needed this past weekend. Of course I was spoiled rotten with my gifts! I have the best most amazing husband and precious family on this earth. I have been so extremely blessed to have each of these 4 people in my life.

I felt different this year on my birthday. I don't know if it's because I'm a married woman now, a homeowner or just a whole darn year older. The past 13 months has been extremely tough. Circumstances have not been easy in the least. But this past weekend I actually felt a sense of accomplishment! I had made it through the year! Chad and I did it together, side by side. We made every decision together. Yes, some of those decisions were very hard to agree on but through the Lord we received affirmation on all of those decisions, easy and hard. I am extremely proud to say that we did everything together. I just want to brag on my dear husband for a minute. He has been the most amazing rock of support during the last 13 months in my life. He has been steady and stable, not ever wavering in his love for me. I firmly believe that is only because he has his feet set upon God's Word. Yes, we've had our disagreements and yes I've had moments where I just wanted to do what I wanted when I wanted to do it. When you get married you learn that it's not all about you and it never was in the first place. You have someone else you have to always think of in every single one of your decisions. Can this get annoying? Yes! Can it be great? Yes! Marriage is the most amazing blessing that has ever happened in my entire 22 years! Yes, I was a young blushing bride. Some (many) probably said I was too young to get married. My maturity, motives and capabilities were questioned. To look back now and reflect on my decision to get married so young, barely 21, I am so glad that I did! God knew what was coming my way in life and He knew I couldn't do it alone! He knew I needed my lover to be my side through every single millisecond of it all. So basically there's my bragging for my amazing precious husband. Not only did he spoil me absolutely rotten for my birthday but little does every one else know, he spoils me every single day! Yes, I spoil him too! Or at least I try! Hopefully he says I do! Smile! All in all I wanted to just tell you all how very grateful I am for where I am in life at this exact moment. I've learned a lot this last year but the one thing I've learned the most is that the Lord has His purpose in every little thing. Even some things I might not enjoy or want to be in at the time. I've learned that it's not about me.

As Chad and I both stated when we started this blog, we just want to be real and be a testament to what the Lord can do in your life. Yes, there are extremely tough times but the Lord won't allow you to go through anything you aren't able to overcome. We cherish each and every one of you. Thank you for investing in us and praying for us! We're quickly approaching the one year mark in marriage so keep checking in to see what's happening in our crazy lives!!

Pictures from my birthday weekend!

My adorable birthday cake made by Pat Moore!

The day before my birthday, hanging out at the house!

My baby brother and I!

My gorgeous Mom and I

Chad and I on my birthday after brunch.

My dad and I! I'm such a daddy's girl!


The whole family!

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