Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

So honestly, this weekend was fabulous! I lounged around all day Saturday, which was a first in many Saturday's I was able to do this. Chad and I went out and bought us a grill later on that evening! I am so excited about this! Such a little thing to so many people but this is so huge to me! It's a Charmglow all stainless steel grill! It came in the box so we had to assemble it, that was a feat all in itself. Chad only got frustrated with me a couple of times. Apparently I'm not very good at reading directions.... smile. But it is all put together and ready to be used! Didn't we do a great job?

So on the the fabulousness of the weekend! We were invited to go hang out on Smith Lake with an amazing couple that we have become fast friends with here in Oxford, Kristen and Matt. Kristen's parents have a place on the water and we went and played all day Sunday and Monday! It was just great. It was great to hang out and feel a part of a family. It's so difficult to be away from both of our families. It was nice to feel family interaction again. I attempted to get up on the skis but to no avail. I tried at least! I'm determined to learn this summer though! Chad was amazing! He is so talented out on the water! I couldn't do anything he was doing! But I guess that's why I married him, he makes up for the areas I'm lacking in! ;-) We are so thankful for people that have opened their arms to us and enveloped us in love here. We appreciate it more than they will ever know!

We headed back yesterday in the late afternoon anxious to see our sweet baby kitties and watch Miss Universe! My friend Rachel Smith is the amazing woman who won the crown of Miss USA in March. She placed 4th runner up at Miss Universe last night! I'm so extremely proud of her! She's full of poise and grace! We need a good role model like her in the "crown" spotlight to be an example of what young girls should strive to be more like. She's an amazing Christian and sweet as pie. A true asset to the crown.

So all in all, I just wanted to give a short update on what our weekend was like. It was much needed for Chad and I to have fun, let loose and not worry about a schedule. We've both been so busy with work and traveling that I feel as if we have had no time to just breathe. It was nice to play and have fun in the sun.

This weekend, however, will be the highlight of my week. My parents and dear brother are coming in town Friday for my birthday weekend! My birthday is this Sunday, June 3rd. Saturday, I wanted to grill out steaks and have baked potatoes for my birthday (so really, that's why we got the grill). Sunday we're all going to church and then headed out to a nice brunch. I'm just so excited for them to get here! My brother has never been to our new town or house and my parents haven't been back since we moved in the beginning of January! So I know they're anxious to see what the house looks like almost 5 months later and to see their sweet grandkitties! Smile. So this will be a great weekend as well! Life is picking up pace and getting interesting so I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store for Chad and I as we continue to figure out what this marriage thing is all about! ;-)

I wish you all a wonderful rest of the month of May and I hope you all had a fun and safe Memorial Day. Remember to keep our troops (past and present) in your prayers. We love you all and I'm sure we'll have updates and pictures of my birthday weekend next week for you all to see! Be sure and check in and leave us a note!

Below are pictures from the weekend at the lake:

Chad skiing!
Chad about to teach me to ski!

Me trying to get up on the skis!

Kristen and I about to play on the wave runner!

Chad and I on the pontoon!

Kristen and I on the ski boat!

Chad and I headed out to play on the wave runner!

We're almost home!

The second we got home the kitties wanted to explore the outside!

Ollie was so glad to have his daddy home!

Nattie was happy to see mommy!

1 comment:

Keri said...

Hey Lauren! This is Keri, Kristen's sister. I love your blog! I am so glad that you and Chad came up to the lake last weekend...you'll definitely have to come back again soon!