Wednesday, May 23, 2007

"Let's Settle It Once and For All..."

...there are no shortcuts to reality! A meteor is on a
shortcut as it proceeds to burn out, but not a star,
with its steady light so often depended upon by
navigators. Unless the time factor is acknowledged
from the heart, there is always danger of turning
to the false enticement of a shortcut via the means
of "experiences," and "blessings," where one becomes
pathetically enmeshed in the vortex of ever-changing "feelings,"
adrift from the moorings of scriptural facts.

-Miles J. Stanford

I wanted to piggy-back onto Lauren's last post, first off, with some understanding. As you've probably noticed or read...there have been trials to face. These are not trials because of the town or people in which we're surrounded. They are trials of patience. Something Lauren and I (probably most of you) deal with is the expectation of seeing/experiencing something here and now. We often look to others' situations that may seem ideal and immediately think that we should experience the same thing. are some things that God has settled within His Word and my heart.

God has called us to utter neediness of Him realizing that there is no strength within ourselves to alter or change the timing of His plan (Isaiah 40:13-14, 25-28). He tells me to seek first His Kingdom (Matthew 6:33); His promises never have or never will fail. However, He has an eternity to fulfill His promises (Philippians 1:6). Really...the list could and probably should go on and on.

Recognizing these basics are absolutely essential for any Christ Follower! Do I remember these truths in my flesh, my crowded/needy for logic head everyday? Unfortunately no. I do know truths in my heart; however, that's where faith trumps probabilities. Thank you, Lord, for "leaving Your spirit until your work on earth is done"! conclusion...I'm reminded, once again, of an unfailing, immutable (unchanging), sovereign Savior who never told me that any of this life was about me. Thank You for Your control, God, and thank You for not leaving this life up to me.

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