Thursday, July 12, 2007


Hey everyone! I just wanted to give a heads up. We have switched to a new blog website that I prefer over this one. I was able to import all of our past blogs onto our new one so you'll see everything on our new site that you did on this one. You are also able to comment more easily and navigate through the page easier. Instead of it's! I hope you like it!! Let us know you're out there!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I copied this post from mine and Chad's former pastor and mentor, Sam Shaw. He posted this on his blog and it hit me like a ton of bricks and I felt led to share it with all of you. This is from Tommy Tenney's book "God's Favorite House". I felt as if this is what people need to hear. Church, worship, tithing, persecution and sermons are NOT ABOUT US!!! It is NOT what we get out of it, it's what we give. I have learned that it isn't about my preference, style or emotion. We are placed on this earth to praise Him and only Him. I'm constantly learning that is what I am supposed to be doing. I pray this is an encouragment to you as it was to me.

He notes there were five occasions when the windows of heaven open:
1. Tithing -

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” Mal. 3:10

2. Persecution -

But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. “Look,” he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.”
At this they covered their ears and, yelling at the top of their voices, they all rushed at him, dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. Acts 7:55-58

3. Persistence -

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will
be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him
who knocks, the door will be opened. Matt 7:7-8

So Ahab went off to eat and drink, but Elijah climbed to the top of Carmel, bent down to the ground and put his face between his knees.
“Go and look toward the sea,” he told his servant. And he went up and looked.
“There is nothing there,” he said.
Seven times Elijah said, “Go back.”
The seventh time the servant reported, “A cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea.”So Elijah said, “Go and tell Ahab, ‘Hitch up your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.’ “
Meanwhile, the sky grew black with clouds, the wind rose, a heavy rain came on and Ahab rode off to Jezreel. 1 Kings 18:42-45

4. Unity -

“Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” Matt 18:19-20

Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers. 1 Peter 3:7

5. Worship

“Lift up your heads, O you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.” Psalm 24:7

Tenney concludes:

“Like it or not, the only way we can begin to open the heavens over our churches and cities is to become giving, persistent and unified worshippers who aren’t afraid to sacrifice all for Christ.”

Does this not explain why so much of what passes for “church” and “worship” is devoid of the experienced presence of God?

Sunday, July 8, 2007

365 Days Ago

Today is mine and Chad's one year wedding anniversary! I cannot believe it's already been a year since we wed. It has been quite an incredible year. We've been through quite a lot this past year but it has still been wonderful. I'm enjoying married life more and more everyday. I have just now started cooking regularly. Every single night actually. Last Sunday I made a pork tenderloin that baked in the oven for over 5 hours! After that meal Chad said I had officially made it to Betty Crocker status. I think he's enjoying home cooked meals every night. I'm probably spoiling him too much! Haha. It's been great reflecting on the past year but I'm so ready for the many more to come. I can't imagine a more perfect person for me to call my husband.

Chadwick Fields Watson, I adore you with all of my being. Thank you for being my best friend, husband, lover, rock and confidant. I will love you forever and a day.

Our wedding pictures are still online at this link if you want to browse through them:

Friday, July 6, 2007

Allison and Blake's Wedding Pictures

Here are the much awaited pictures from Allison and Blake Bulter's wedding. They are absolutely gorgeous. Just as the bride and groom. Congratulations again Blake and Allison! Chad and I love you both very much and wish you all the happiness in the world. May the Lord richly bless you and your marriage.
Fixing Allie's Hair
Doing my makeup
Isn't she stunning?
I absolutely love this picture of Allison and Blake!
The whole wedding party
Just us girls

So sweet Windy Shot I love her.... a lot
Adorable Apparently I'm good at doing hair :) Typical Girl Pose.... love it

About to walk down the aisle
Here we go!
The sweet kiss

Hugging Allison as Mrs. Blake Butler for the first time... so happy

Loving Rusty's dance moves Father-in-law and daughter-in-law breaking it downDancing the night away!

Friday, June 29, 2007

What An Incredible Year!

Now...when you read incredible in the title, it honestly covers many meanings. As you're probably wondering, "What year is he talking about?", I'm referring to a wonderful one year anniversary of marriage to my beautiful wife, Lauren, on July 8! It's incredible that God has ordained and designed the marriage between Lauren and I for His glory. It's incredible how the Father illustrates His love through a husband and wife partnership and how He uses circumstances to teach us to listen to Him--how He doesn't limit His voice to one or the other. Lauren and I learn more and more to rejoice in His sovereignty through our marriage. I'm so so so thankful for His daily control! It's incredible the Father does not stop reminding me to love my wife as Christ loved the church. We are so thankful to God for giving us encouraging friends and mentors to teach about the blessings of marriage!

I thank you, Lord, for my beautiful wife, Lauren Watson!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

It's been a while...

Ok, so I know it's been a while since we've updated our blog. I have had several requests to give an update on us!!! I prompted Chad to write a new blog but I guess it just keeps slipping his mind! Smile. So I figured I would wait no longer and let you fellow readers know what's going on in our lives! We most recently got back from our summer vacation. Chad and I headed down to Panama City Beach to our timeshare to have a few days of fun and relaxation. I quickly learned that our ideas of fun and relaxation are not quite the same, especially when it comes to the beach. I'm a beach bunny. I love to lay out. Chad on the other hand wants to get up and do. I just couldn't bring myself to getting into an ocean I couldn't see through. The water had a lot of algae in it so I got up to my knees and turned back. Frustrating to Chad I'm sure. We did go to Shipwreck Island one day and rode all the water rides. I'll do that any day!!! I had a great time but you'd have to ask Chad how his time was. I think he got a little restless with laying out! Hehe. The things you do for love.

The end of the week we headed up to Memphis for the weekend. I was a bridesmaid in my friend Allison's wedding. It was a busy but GREAT weekend. Allison was absolutely gorgeous. Her wedding and reception was flawless. Chad and I definitely danced the night away at the reception. I am so blessed to be a part of her and Blake's journey. They are such a God fearing couple and I love them both dearly!!!
Here is just one picture I have from right before she walked down the aisle. I'll post more as soon as they become available on the photographer's website.

We spent some good time with my family and that was great. I miss them so much but I really believe it's getting easier. It was definitely bittersweet to drive out of Memphis. I was sad to leave my family and friends that I had such a blast with this past weekend but Chad and I had missed our kitties so much! Honestly, you have no idea. They really are like our children. It was fun to go back home to our little family! (Thanks to Kristen for taking care of our babies! You're the best!) All in all, we had a fabulous vacation. Of course vacations are always too short but you make the most of the time you do have to chill and relax. So a big thank you to my hubby who was a trooper laying out with me for a few days!!! I love you.

The only things really coming up in our life is our one year anniversary! It's July 8th! Fast approaching! I cannot believe it's been almost a year already! It has just flown by. I'm telling you honestly and personally, marriage has just gotten better by the day. I'll try and write more on our anniversary about the past year and what it's been like! So the only thing now is that all of you need to post on here and hound Chad to write a blog!! He needs to let you all know what's been going on too! I love you all and thanks for dropping in on us. Leave us a note, let us know you're visiting and have a great God given week!

Monday, June 4, 2007

My 22nd Birthday Weekend

So this past weekend was my 22nd birthday. Yes, I'm a young one still! My parents and brother made it in late Friday night and were able to stay with us until Sunday afternoon. We had a great time. It was nice to be able to relax and spend some quality time together. It's been almost 5 months since all 5 of us had been together. We needed this past weekend. Of course I was spoiled rotten with my gifts! I have the best most amazing husband and precious family on this earth. I have been so extremely blessed to have each of these 4 people in my life.

I felt different this year on my birthday. I don't know if it's because I'm a married woman now, a homeowner or just a whole darn year older. The past 13 months has been extremely tough. Circumstances have not been easy in the least. But this past weekend I actually felt a sense of accomplishment! I had made it through the year! Chad and I did it together, side by side. We made every decision together. Yes, some of those decisions were very hard to agree on but through the Lord we received affirmation on all of those decisions, easy and hard. I am extremely proud to say that we did everything together. I just want to brag on my dear husband for a minute. He has been the most amazing rock of support during the last 13 months in my life. He has been steady and stable, not ever wavering in his love for me. I firmly believe that is only because he has his feet set upon God's Word. Yes, we've had our disagreements and yes I've had moments where I just wanted to do what I wanted when I wanted to do it. When you get married you learn that it's not all about you and it never was in the first place. You have someone else you have to always think of in every single one of your decisions. Can this get annoying? Yes! Can it be great? Yes! Marriage is the most amazing blessing that has ever happened in my entire 22 years! Yes, I was a young blushing bride. Some (many) probably said I was too young to get married. My maturity, motives and capabilities were questioned. To look back now and reflect on my decision to get married so young, barely 21, I am so glad that I did! God knew what was coming my way in life and He knew I couldn't do it alone! He knew I needed my lover to be my side through every single millisecond of it all. So basically there's my bragging for my amazing precious husband. Not only did he spoil me absolutely rotten for my birthday but little does every one else know, he spoils me every single day! Yes, I spoil him too! Or at least I try! Hopefully he says I do! Smile! All in all I wanted to just tell you all how very grateful I am for where I am in life at this exact moment. I've learned a lot this last year but the one thing I've learned the most is that the Lord has His purpose in every little thing. Even some things I might not enjoy or want to be in at the time. I've learned that it's not about me.

As Chad and I both stated when we started this blog, we just want to be real and be a testament to what the Lord can do in your life. Yes, there are extremely tough times but the Lord won't allow you to go through anything you aren't able to overcome. We cherish each and every one of you. Thank you for investing in us and praying for us! We're quickly approaching the one year mark in marriage so keep checking in to see what's happening in our crazy lives!!

Pictures from my birthday weekend!

My adorable birthday cake made by Pat Moore!

The day before my birthday, hanging out at the house!

My baby brother and I!

My gorgeous Mom and I

Chad and I on my birthday after brunch.

My dad and I! I'm such a daddy's girl!


The whole family!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

So honestly, this weekend was fabulous! I lounged around all day Saturday, which was a first in many Saturday's I was able to do this. Chad and I went out and bought us a grill later on that evening! I am so excited about this! Such a little thing to so many people but this is so huge to me! It's a Charmglow all stainless steel grill! It came in the box so we had to assemble it, that was a feat all in itself. Chad only got frustrated with me a couple of times. Apparently I'm not very good at reading directions.... smile. But it is all put together and ready to be used! Didn't we do a great job?

So on the the fabulousness of the weekend! We were invited to go hang out on Smith Lake with an amazing couple that we have become fast friends with here in Oxford, Kristen and Matt. Kristen's parents have a place on the water and we went and played all day Sunday and Monday! It was just great. It was great to hang out and feel a part of a family. It's so difficult to be away from both of our families. It was nice to feel family interaction again. I attempted to get up on the skis but to no avail. I tried at least! I'm determined to learn this summer though! Chad was amazing! He is so talented out on the water! I couldn't do anything he was doing! But I guess that's why I married him, he makes up for the areas I'm lacking in! ;-) We are so thankful for people that have opened their arms to us and enveloped us in love here. We appreciate it more than they will ever know!

We headed back yesterday in the late afternoon anxious to see our sweet baby kitties and watch Miss Universe! My friend Rachel Smith is the amazing woman who won the crown of Miss USA in March. She placed 4th runner up at Miss Universe last night! I'm so extremely proud of her! She's full of poise and grace! We need a good role model like her in the "crown" spotlight to be an example of what young girls should strive to be more like. She's an amazing Christian and sweet as pie. A true asset to the crown.

So all in all, I just wanted to give a short update on what our weekend was like. It was much needed for Chad and I to have fun, let loose and not worry about a schedule. We've both been so busy with work and traveling that I feel as if we have had no time to just breathe. It was nice to play and have fun in the sun.

This weekend, however, will be the highlight of my week. My parents and dear brother are coming in town Friday for my birthday weekend! My birthday is this Sunday, June 3rd. Saturday, I wanted to grill out steaks and have baked potatoes for my birthday (so really, that's why we got the grill). Sunday we're all going to church and then headed out to a nice brunch. I'm just so excited for them to get here! My brother has never been to our new town or house and my parents haven't been back since we moved in the beginning of January! So I know they're anxious to see what the house looks like almost 5 months later and to see their sweet grandkitties! Smile. So this will be a great weekend as well! Life is picking up pace and getting interesting so I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store for Chad and I as we continue to figure out what this marriage thing is all about! ;-)

I wish you all a wonderful rest of the month of May and I hope you all had a fun and safe Memorial Day. Remember to keep our troops (past and present) in your prayers. We love you all and I'm sure we'll have updates and pictures of my birthday weekend next week for you all to see! Be sure and check in and leave us a note!

Below are pictures from the weekend at the lake:

Chad skiing!
Chad about to teach me to ski!

Me trying to get up on the skis!

Kristen and I about to play on the wave runner!

Chad and I on the pontoon!

Kristen and I on the ski boat!

Chad and I headed out to play on the wave runner!

We're almost home!

The second we got home the kitties wanted to explore the outside!

Ollie was so glad to have his daddy home!

Nattie was happy to see mommy!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

"Let's Settle It Once and For All..."

...there are no shortcuts to reality! A meteor is on a
shortcut as it proceeds to burn out, but not a star,
with its steady light so often depended upon by
navigators. Unless the time factor is acknowledged
from the heart, there is always danger of turning
to the false enticement of a shortcut via the means
of "experiences," and "blessings," where one becomes
pathetically enmeshed in the vortex of ever-changing "feelings,"
adrift from the moorings of scriptural facts.

-Miles J. Stanford

I wanted to piggy-back onto Lauren's last post, first off, with some understanding. As you've probably noticed or read...there have been trials to face. These are not trials because of the town or people in which we're surrounded. They are trials of patience. Something Lauren and I (probably most of you) deal with is the expectation of seeing/experiencing something here and now. We often look to others' situations that may seem ideal and immediately think that we should experience the same thing. are some things that God has settled within His Word and my heart.

God has called us to utter neediness of Him realizing that there is no strength within ourselves to alter or change the timing of His plan (Isaiah 40:13-14, 25-28). He tells me to seek first His Kingdom (Matthew 6:33); His promises never have or never will fail. However, He has an eternity to fulfill His promises (Philippians 1:6). Really...the list could and probably should go on and on.

Recognizing these basics are absolutely essential for any Christ Follower! Do I remember these truths in my flesh, my crowded/needy for logic head everyday? Unfortunately no. I do know truths in my heart; however, that's where faith trumps probabilities. Thank you, Lord, for "leaving Your spirit until your work on earth is done"! conclusion...I'm reminded, once again, of an unfailing, immutable (unchanging), sovereign Savior who never told me that any of this life was about me. Thank You for Your control, God, and thank You for not leaving this life up to me.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Varying Emotions

So this past weekend I headed up to Memphis to surprise my mom. My dad and I had been collaborating on this for 6 weeks now. I would leave work early, drive to Memphis and surprise my mom at the Crescent Club. All went as planned and she was shocked and excited to see me. I think she had to do a double take. It was classic. And of course, I loved it. I love being so sneaky sometimes.

Saturday I visited my "girls night group". When I lived in Memphis there were a group of 8 of us girls that would get together every Wednesday night without fail. So I woke up at 7 am to visit with them all morning. I then ended up meeting up with mom and we went and ate lunch with my best friend Catherine and we all headed to the Collierville Mall to do some shopping. Now I had not come to Memphis with the intention of shopping in the least. Well, those plans quickly flew out the window. I ended up hitting all the sales and we shopped for 5 hours! I didn't come home empty handed to my husband though. He got two shorts and two polos out of the deal. (I'm such a sweet wife!)

Sunday morning I looked forward to the most. I couldn't wait to go to Living Hope for church. I knew so many of these people from the old Germantown Baptist and it just felt like home. Bill Christian delivered the message and spoke on being an "investment partner". He talked about how we need to be able to come to a church where we aren't afraid to show our flaws because we know we'll still be loved. He made the point that we all need someone in our life that we can call and say "I NEED HELP" and have them listen. He just went on and on about how we need to be that to someone else and have someone like that in our own lives. That hit home for me. The last few months I have really been struggling with our move to a new town and church. I felt stolen from in a way. At the end of our time in Memphis Chad and I were really developing some awesome relationships with people and investing in eachother. I had my girls night out group and Chad had his accountability partner and staff from Germantown to lean on. I thought to myself (and said it out loud to Chad frequently) that if the Lord is blessing us with all of these amazing people and relationships then why would he want to uproot us from all of that?! I was angry. We moved January 12th to Oxford and since then I have felt an emptiness of relationships everyday. Going back to Memphis really gets all those angry and bitter emotions stirring. I honestly feel as if I can't help it! Yes, selfishly, I desire so badly to be back in Memphis where I'm comfortable! But I'm to the point where I'm crying out, "I NEED HELP". I'll be honest, I have had the roughest 4 months of my life lately. Don't get me wrong, Chad has been great. He's been supportive and sympathetic towards my feelings. I just have a hard time with being away from Memphis and everyone in it. So anyway, back to Sunday. As I drove down the road after leaving my parents house I just started bawling my eyes out. I couldn't control myself. I just felt so sick. So I made an "I NEED HELP" call. I called my "investment partner" and just cried like a baby. I continuously kept saying "I can't leave, I can't go back, I just can't do it". When I leave a city and head back to where my house and husband are, I want to feel as if I'm going "home". I didn't feel that way. I felt as if I was leaving "home". And I didn't like it. I cried, ranted, cried, sniffled, talked and laughed a little. My "investment partner" encouraged me but yet let me cry and rant and cry some more with it all ending up in laughter. I wasn't afraid to cry out for help. I vowed to myself that I wouldn't be afraid to cry out anymore. I will not be ashamed of my flaws and what I've been through. The LORD is with me and dwells in me. That's all I need to know. I just want to truly find where He is wanting me in life and just be a servant. Now, I'm not writing this so people will feel sorry for me. I'm writing this to let people know that it's ok to cry out for help! Please know that the Lord is continuously teaching. He never stops. I'm continuously learning. I'm almost 22 years old and definitely know that I will never know it all. All the time I want to know God's purpose in a situation. But it's not my decision whether he reveals it when I want or not. The Lord calls us to be still and wait. To pick up our cross and follow Him, everyday, whether we feel like it or not. That is what I'm going to do, everyday for the rest of my life. Please be encouraged that there is an "investment partner" out there for you. Seek them, vent to them, encourage them and most of all, accept and love them.

Thank you all for praying for Chad and I through this difficult time. We are learning constantly. We are so blessed to have each of you in our lives. God is so good!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Well...I guess it's my turn...

I've really been looking forward to joining the great blogosphere, so what better way to join... with my partner in crime, my wife. I say welcome to all of our viewers as friends and friends-to-be! do you really start off your very first blog entry? My prayer is that this will not only be used as a way to just keep in touch...but a way to share the savoring of a Great God from a couple who loves each other more than anything second to Christ the Savior. Bear with us as we get things rolling on a regular basis.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

~Introducing Lauren~

Hey everyone! I'm Lauren Watson, married to Chad obviously! Chad and I have been married 10 months now and I'm still loving it! (Now who knows if he'll have the same answer... smile) There is no way I could've gone through these last 2 1/2 years without him by my side. He is an amazing rock of support and mature beyond his years. (Well most days at least... smile) I am so blessed to be married to a God fearing and encouraging man. I cannot imagine my life without him. I am currently working as a designer and manager of Webb Home here in Oxford, Alabama. I really do love my job. It's been a tremendous blessing in my life.

I have a huge heart for missions, specifically missions in South Africa. I have traveled there twice now and can't wait to go back! I competed in beauty pageants for about 6 years and now help backstage and coaching girls as much as I can. I believe they helped me mature into the person I am today. I have an amazing family who I love and miss dearly and would do absolutely anything for them. I also have some of the most fabulous friends a girl could ask for in life. They have been there for me when I thought everyone else wasn't. I am so thankful.

I, personally, wanted to start blogging to have sort of an outlet as such. Now that we live in Alabama away from most of our family and friends this will be a great way for everyone to keep up with our craziness and to also hear from other people! I'll try to post on a regular basis to keep everyone on the up and up. Please feel free to sign and let us know you're out there reading! We love you all. May the Lord bless you and keep you.